Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations help to protect your pet and all pets around them. So it is important to keep up to date, as it could make animals more at risk in the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease.

Having a lot of pets vaccinated reduces the spread of any disease, keeping your pets safe and even humans, as some viruses can be passed from animal to owner.

When first born, puppies, kittens and other litters are usually protected from infections if they are feeding on their mother’s milk, providing that the mother is up to date with her vaccinations. However this protection will only last a few weeks, so you should get your newborns booked in for vaccinations as early as possible. It is also vital older pets are up to date, as their immune system starts to decline.

How often your pet needs vaccinating can depend on several factors, such as the animal type, age and location. So talk to your vet today about the best vaccine course for your pet.

Dogs and Puppies

Puppies are usually vaccinated at 8-10 weeks with the second dose between 2-4 weeks later. It will then require a booster vaccine within the next week. Vaccinations can protect your dog from diseases such as kennel cough, leptospirosis, canine distemper, parainfluenza and canine parvovirus.

Cats and Kittens

Kittens usually require the first set of vaccinations at 9 weeks old, followed by a booster when it is 3 months old. After this, they should be boosted once a year. Vaccinations can help protect your cat from diseases such as feline herpes virus, feline calicivirus, feline infectious enteritis and feline leukaemia virus. Until your kitten has both sets of vaccinations, they should be kept inside for safety.

CTA: If you would like any further information about vaccinations, or would like to book an appointment to get your pet vaccinated, get in touch with Bay Vets today. We have a team of professionals standing by to assist you in keeping your pet happy and healthy.