Pet overpopulation is a growing problem in the UK which leads to heartbreaking consequences for unwanted pets.

21 dogs are euthanised each day in the UK due to pet overpopulation as animal shelters simply do not have the resources to care for the growing number of homeless animals that come into their care each day.

These heart-wrenching statistics can easily be reduced by neutering your pet to prevent unexpected litters. Here, we debunk the common myths which can put some people off from neutering their pets.

Myth: Neutering my pet will make my pet gain weight

Many pet owners fear that neutering their pets will result in them gaining weight. However, the truth is that neutering does not cause animals to gain weight – overfeeding and a lack of exercise do.

With proper exercise and a portion-controlled weight, your pet can maintain a healthy weight for the rest of their lives.

Myth: Neutering will change my pet’s personality

Unless you mean a lack of fighting, mounting or urine spraying, neutering will not change the personality of your pet.

The only changes you might see will be positive including your pet being around you more as they no longer have the need to go out and find a mate. This also means that they are less likely to go missing or sustain injuries.

Myth: Neutering my pet will cause it unnecessary pain

While all surgical procedures can cause some degree of discomfort, neutering is carried out under a full general anaesthetic and animals are given drugs to control any discomfort afterwards.

The benefits of neutering far outweigh the brief discomfort your pet may feel after the surgery and we even have a helpful Neutering Aftercare blog on our website to help you make the process even easier for your little furry friend.

Myth: My pet will mourn the loss of its reproductive capabilities

This is a common misconception which is entirely false. While animals do feel emotions, they are not capable of rationalising their thoughts to pine over babies they can no longer have.

Animals reproduce solely out of instinct. Female dogs only nurse their puppies for the first two months after their birth and male dogs don’t even recognise puppies as their own.

Bay Vets: Small animal practice

It is important to have your pet neutered to prevent pet overpopulation, prevent your pet from roaming and decrease aggressive behaviour.

At Bay Vets, we offer pet neutering procedures and cat neutering aftercare with dedicated nurses to help monitor animals recovering from neutering.

While we are currently at full capacity here at Bay Vets, you can click here to be added to our waiting list or get in touch with a member of our friendly team today for more information.