Even with a thick and fluffy built-in coat, dogs are just as likely to get frostbite and hypothermia as their owners.

Unfortunately, our furry friends can’t communicate with us when they are feeling the cold, which means that we have to scrub up on our dog knowledge and learn how to keep our pets warm all year long.

In this blog, we take you through our top tips for keeping your dog warm all winter long, so you can ward off any nasty illnesses and make sure your furry friend is snug and safe during the winter months.

How to tell if your dog is cold

As our furry friend’s vocabulary is limited to woofs, it’s best to learn the physical signs of when they might be feeling the chill.

These include:

  • Shivering
  • Trembling
  • Whining
  • Curling up into a ball
  • Seeking warmth
  • Acting weak or lethargic
  • Cold to touch

How can I keep my dog warm?

If your furry friend is showing any signs of being cold, follow these tips to keep them warm and safe during the cold.

Keep them dry

After washing your dog in the bath or taking them out for a walk in the rain, it is especially important to dry them quickly afterwards. Dogs take much longer to dry in the winter and the dampness can make them feel very cold when left for too long.

Wrap up for walks

There are a plethora of adorable dog thermals or fleeces that are designed to keep your furry friend warm on frostier days.

Coats with reflective details can also help you keep track of your pooch as the darker days draw in.

Play games

Exercise is key for keeping your furry friend warm in winter, so make sure to play lots of games of tug of war, fetch or even go on runs together.

This will also strengthen their health and ward off any unwanted winter illnesses.


Just like humans, dogs need a warm bed to curl up in on a chilly winter evening. Make sure to fill your dog’s bed with plenty of soft, warm blankets to keep your dog snug and snoozy all night long.

Bay Vets: Expert pet surgery

Keeping your furry friend warm in winter is crucial to prevent any nasty illnesses. At Bay Vets, we provide a range of services including everything from puppy vaccinations to animal neutering to keep your feline friend happy and healthy.

While our surgery is unfortunately at capacity, you can add your name to our waiting list to be notified of when we have space for your furry friend.

For additional information on the range of services we offer at Bay Vets, get in touch with our team here today.