There is always a community vet when you need one, and just as well because looking after a family member of the furry kind can be a lot of hard work. A community vet has professionals on hand to care for your animal and provide helpful advice and assistance whatever their stage.

Read more for some of the main services offered by community vets.

Nurse Clinics

Owning a pet is a dream come true for some people, especially if the animal is adorable and has the best personality, but owning a pet means more than playing with them and feeding them; you also have to socialise with them and understand their personal and medical requirements.

At a nurse clinic, you can access the experience and knowledge of qualified vet nurses who can give you a grounding in how to check the health of your pet and understand its general care needs. Whatever the age of your pet or your experience levels, you can learn at nurse clinics.


Microchips carry basic information about your dog, including the dog’s name and the name and address of the owner. A microchip is a tiny device – about the size of a grain of rice – that is inserted into your dog’s neck in between the shoulder blades. The process is fast and painless.

It wasn’t always the case, but microchipping is now a legal requirement. If a dog warden, a vet, or an animal welfare organisation discovers your dog is not chipped and reports it, you could find yourself with a £500 fine. It also protects your pet and helps them to be found more easily.


Neutering is the process of removing the sexual organs of an animal to prevent them from breeding. Although it sounds undesirable, it is the most responsible course of action for the animal and the owner if you don’t intend to breed more cats and dogs from your current pet.

The neutering operation removes the sexual organs of cats and dogs. It is a short operation and should be carried out when they are young. Neutering your pet prevents unwanted pregnancies, reduces the risks of infection, and prevents aggressive behaviour, especially in male animals.


Did you know that the teeth of your cat or dog are extremely similar to your own? Both you and your pet have baby teeth that fall out and get replaced with adult teeth, and like you, your pet can suffer from tooth decay and gum disease. So, pets also need to visit the dentist sometimes.

The best place for your pet to visit the dentist is at the community vet, where professionals can clean their teeth and check for signs of gum disease and tooth decay. At your visit, you might also receive some helpful information on how to look after your pet’s teeth as they get older.

Canine Behaviour

Dogs make excellent pets, but unless they are properly trained, they can become a problem in the household and the local area. Make sure your canine is socialized properly and well trained from the start, and you can look forward to many happy years together and best friends forever.

Get In Touch

At Bay Vets we offer a wide range of treatments and services for pets. Contact us today to book an appointment or find out more about our range of services by calling 0152432696 or emailing