Your new pet is about to become an important part of your family, so it’s important to give them a name that reflects their personality. When it comes to choosing the perfect name for your pet, there are a few things you should consider first. Read on to discover everything you need to know about naming your pet.

Do your research

There are many places you can look for useful name inspiration – books, films, TV shows, websites, baby name lists, etc. This will help you work out which names you like and which names you want to avoid.

Opt for a shorter name

Pet names tend to be shorter than human ones. This makes them easier to pronounce and also get the attention of animals – any name longer than two syllables is going to be a mouthful when you’re calling your dog back in the park, so try not to make it a tongue twister.

Avoid naming it after someone you’re close to

Avoid names that are the same as those of friends or people in your household – this can cause a great deal of confusion. After all, your dog is unlikely to respond in any way to being asked to take out the bins.

Consider waiting 1–2 weeks before deciding on a name for your pet

It’s a good idea to hold off naming your pet straight away. You’ll want time to discover the personality of your new animal so you can decide on a name that suits them properly.

Avoid anything embarrassing or offensive

Ask yourself: would you be embarrassed shouting your pet’s name in the park? You should avoid any names that are embarrassing, crude, offensive or that hold any negative connotations.

Don’t pick a name that sounds like commands

It’s also wise to avoid names that sound like potential commands, as this can cause a lot of confusion. For example, Bo could be mistaken for ‘no’ and Ray could be mistaken for ‘stay’.

Be hesitant about changing an older pet’s name

Shelter/rescue pets who come from stressful environments may need the stability of their old name to help them adapt to a new home. Likewise, if an animal has an anxious personality, it may be wise to forgo changing their name until they settle in.

Here at Bay Vets, we understand how important it is to ensure that your pet is happy, healthy and has a reliable veterinary surgery to visit when professional care is required. From animal neutering to animal vaccinations, we’ve got you covered. Contact us by either emailing us at emailing or by registering your pet online today.